Training in the Organization (Intl Version)
Training in the Organization
This self-paced course consists of reading and/or listening to content and answering assessment questions.
By the end of these courses, you should be able to:
Training and Development in the Organization
- describe the difference between training and education
- explain how the training and development function interacts with other human resource functions
- describe the various ways that training might be funded within an organization
- write the formula for calculating cost per trainee
- list and explain the phases of the systems model of training
- explain what ADDIE stands for in the ADDIE model of training
- describe the three types of training needs analysis
Principles of Training and Development
- explain classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social cognitive theory
- define andragogy and list the principles of andragogy
- explain transfer of training
- describe the various types of learning curves and explain their significance
- list and explain the levels of learning
Training and Development Techniques
- list the attributes of a good behavioral training objective
- explain the three phases of the skill acquisition process
- compare and contrast the various on-the-job training methods
- compare and contrast the various off-the-job training methods
- describe the advantages and disadvantages of on-the-job and off-the-job training
Presenting the Training: Delivery
- describe the comparative advantages of conducting employee training either on-site or off-site
- explain which seating arrangements are best suited for which kinds of training programs
- describe the copyright restrictions that protect training materials
Evaluation of Training Effectiveness
- explain the types of criteria that can be used for evaluating training programs
- list the various sources of data that could be used in evaluating training programs
- list and describe the research designs that may be used to evaluate training programs and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each
Successful completion of this course requires passing all of the assessments at 100 percent. The assessments can be taken multiple times. Upon successful completion of these courses you can download a certificate of completion and access the pre-approved Activity IDs from the Completed tab on the MY COURSES page.
These courses will automatically be added to your user account within 5-10 minutes of placing your order. Access to HRrecert courses is granted for 24 months from the date of purchase. Internet access is required to view these courses.
The HRrecert courses are copyrighted material and may not, in whole or in part, be printed, copied, shared, or reproduced by any means for any reason without prior written consent. Access to the HRrecert courses are for your individual use; your account is not to be shared with others. Any violation of these terms and conditions will result in immediate termination of your access to these materials, with no refund provided.
Minimum System Requirements
Operating System:
- Windows: Minimum – Windows 10 version 1903, Recommended – Windows 11 (newest version)
- Macintosh (macOS): Minimum – macOS 12 (Monterey), Recommended – macOS 14 (Sonoma)
Computer Hardware:
- CPU: Minimum- 2 GHz, Recommended- 2 GHz, 4 core
- RAM: Minimum- 4 GB, Recommended - 8 GB
Browser Compatibility:
- The two most recent versions of Chrome
- The two most recent versions of Firefox (Extended Releases are not supported)
- The two most recent versions of Safari (Macintosh only)
*Internet Connection Speed: Stable internet connection of at least 5 Mb download / 5 Mb upload speeds